Saturday, July 30, 2016

Peanut Butter (Homemade)

This recipe if from an older cookbook that I have (1970s). If you want this a little chunkier, blend a little less. Be a little creative and maybe add/substitute a little honey in this. Maybe be a little daring and add a little roasted peppercorns

1 (9oz) jar dry roasted peanuts (2 cups)
1 ¾ cups cold water, approximately
2 tsp. sugar or substitute optional

Put peanuts in a covered blender container and blend on high speed until peanuts are reduced to a powder. Add water, a little at a time, blending after each addition, until the proper peanut butter consistency . Scrape down frequently with rubber scraper. Spoon into a jar and store in refrigerator.
Makes 2 ¼ cups. This has 43 calories per tablespoon, as compared to 100 calories for most commercial brands.

Homemade peanut butter without preservatives should always be refrigerated.

I wonder if you could make just the base for this (just the ground peanut), and then add the liquid (and any other ingredient) as you go, if this would taste the same?

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