Monday, July 25, 2016


There was a time when you could go to a grocery store and oxtails were cheap because no one wanted them. Then a lot more people discovered that they were really good when seasoned correctly. Now when I go to buy oxtails, I buy one pack at a time, because of cost, and then freeze until I have enough to cook a pot. I cook them once I have gotten 3-4 packs of them so that there is enough. Enjoy!

3 ½ – 4 lbs oxtails
¾ cup chopped onion
1 tbs salt
½ tsp pepper (I like to use a little peppercorns to taste too. Careful these can make it hot)
1 tbs chopped parsley
1 cup diced potatoes
1 tbs garlic
¼ cup Kitchen Bouquet *
¼ – ½ tbs basil
Some people like to add celery and carrots.  I prefer mine without.

*I like to substitute Worcestershire sauce (to taste) for the Kitchen Bouquet, just because I like the flavor it adds to the meat. You can probably do a mix of both, seasoning to your taste preference.

Wash oxtails and put them in water. Add all other ingredients and bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium. Cook several hours, until done. Stir every once in a while so that all the flavors are mixed well.

When cooking on top of the stove, I use enough water to cover well and a little more, because this will cook down. When I cook in the slow cooker, I use a little less water, just enough to cover oxtails. The less water you have to add during cooking, the more flavor will be retained in the oxtails.

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