Saturday, July 23, 2016

Cornmeal Custard Pie

If you like Egg Custard you will like this recipe. Some folks say it is better than Egg Custard.
 Lets See!

3 eggs
1 cup milk
¾ cup cornmeal
1 tsp. lemon flavoring
¾ cup sugar
2 tbs. Butter
2 pints boiling water
9” uncooked pie crust

Sprinkle cornmeal into the 2 pints boiling water, stirring constantly so it will not lump. Cook about 15 minutes, until it is like well done mush. Add the butter, salt and sugar stirring real good. Add milk and flavoring. Set aside to cool; then add the well beaten eggs, stirring all the time. Pour into a pie pan lined with uncooked crust. Bake in 350 F oven for 45 minutes. Top with meringue made from 2 egg whites. Return to oven to brown.

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