Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Poorman's County Pancaked UnFrenched Toast (Fried Bread)

Ok.....so for those of us who grew up in the Country Life, there were foods that we ate that never seemed to reach the populous. This is one of my County Life dishes. This can be made with what you already have or the ingredients can be bought cheaply.


Slices of Texas toast, French bread, or any thick bread (as little or many as you want)
Powdered Sugar (or regular)
*Optional fresh or canned fruit


I like to mix my cinnamon in my butter and let it set out to soften at room temperature.
Butter both sides of the bread with the cinnamon-butter and fry on medium heat in a skillet (I like cast iron).
Once this is browned to desired color, sprinkle on a little powdered sugar to make it purdy.
Arrange on a plate and add syrup.
Although I like mine with just the butter and syrup, an alternate option is to add a little fruit on top; strawberries, blueberries, blackberries (you get the picture).

You can even use canned pie filling. I always keep cans of the mixed fruit, blueberry or cherry pie filling on hand, just in case I need them. These can be purchased at the Dollar Tree for $1.

I also sometimes buy French bread or similar, at Wal-Mart on the “discounted about to expire” rack for 50 cents.

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