Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Crackling Corn Bread

This particular recipe came from my collection of Depression and WWII recipes. Notice that there are no eggs or milk used . When I make mine , the cornbread batter is made differently. You can use your favorite cornbread recipe and just add the crackling to it.

Crackling are small pieces of fried pork fat with the skin on. No refrigeration is needed, so depending what store you are at, they can be found near the meats, sometimes where the Mexican foods are, sometimes where the chips or bread is located. Ask an associate to help locate product.


2 cups water ground corn meal
2 ½ tbs. Self rising flour
½ cups water or enough to make a soft batter


Mix well and add 1 ½ cups crackling that are about the size of peas. Pour into hot fat in a baking pan. Bake in preheated oven 475 degrees until golden brown.

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