Thursday, October 29, 2015

Rice and Cheese Croquettes


1 cup rice
1 ½ cups grated sharp cheese
1 egg beaten
1 ½ tsp salt
Dash pepper

After Cooling:

2 eggs beaten
Dried bread crumbs

Wash rice or do not was as package directs. Drop into 2 quarts rapidly boiling salted water and cook rapidly until just tender (about 20 minutes). Drain and rinse by running hot water through it. Combine cheese, egg, salt and pepper. Chill. Shape mixture into balls, roll in crumbs then in beaten eggs and again in crumbs. Fry until golden brown in deep fat heated at 375 degrees. Drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with tart jelly or tomato sauce. Makes 5 servings

Country Sausage Gravy

This is a Southern breakfast treat.  Served over homemade biscuits or toast.  If you don't want the sausage, this is good with chipped beef as a substitute.  I like mine with lots of black pepper.

If you want to try something different, press sliced bread in a muffin tin to mold it into the shape of a little bowl.  Let it brown or toast and then add the gravy.  Yum Yum!

1 lb. bulk pork sausage
2 cups milk
4 tbsps. flour
¾ tsp. salt or to taste
½ tsp. black pepper

Crumble sausage and fry until done. Remove with slotted spoon and drain all but 4 tbsps. of drippings. In a jar with a lid, shake half the milk and all the flour and seasonings until the mixture is smooth. Pour into skillet. Stir and then add remaining milk. Cook, stirring constantly until the mixture is thick and bubbly. If gravy becomes too thick, add additional milk. Stir in crumbled sausage. Serve hot over hot biscuits.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Pumpkin Pie Nog

1 cup canned pumpkin
2 cups crushed ice
1 cup plain yogurt
2 cups orange juice
¼ cup maple syrup
¼ cup chopped pecans
½ tsp. pumpkin pie spice
6 thin orange slices for garnish

In a blender, combine all ingredients except garnish. Blend until smooth. Pour into mugs. Place an orange slice on each mug rim. Serves 6

HERMAN (Sourdough Starter Bread)

I saw a recipe request for Herman bread in a recipe swap book. Herman? I have heard of Amish Friendship bread, but not of Herman. Herman is a sourdough starter that you have to share and feed to keep it growing and to keep it from spoiling.

I found a recipe in an old cookbook that says the starter gets better with age. It is best if used often-about every ten days. If not used, activate it by pouring away all but one cup (this is the time to share with friends), and adding equal amounts of flour and water at least every two weeks.

By replenishing it, the whole process is kept going indefinitely, as a self-perpetuating thing.

Each time flour and water is added, set it in a warm place for 24 hours. Then cover loosely and refrigerate. Starter is best in recipes if at room temperature when added.

Make sure to use a large bowl because starter will grow three times its size and over flow. Remember Herman is allergic to metal, so do not to use any metal utensils or bowls when working with starter.

This version of Herman does not call for sugar in the recipe.

Herman: Quick Method

Plastic or glass container
1 oz. dry yeast
2 cups warm water
2 cups sifted flour

Blend yeast in water; add flour and stir well. Cover lightly. Let stand overnight. It will double in bulk the next morning and be ready to use.

Herman: Slow Method

2 cups milk
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour (original recipe is as stated, but I think this should also say 1 oz dry yeast dissolved in water)

Pour milk into a glass or ceramic bowl (not metal). Allow to stand uncovered in a warm place about 80 degrees, away from drafts for 24 hours. Stir in flour (use a wooden spoon) and allow mixture to stand two days, until it starts to bubble and develop a slightly sour smell. Store in the refrigerator with a loose cover. If liquid rises to top, just give it a stir.

Tired of Herman? He can also be dried and stored. Instead of adding more flour and water after using nearly all of Herman, spread him thin in a glass plate or ceramic mixing bowl. Put Herman in a warm place out of sight and mind.

In a week or two he will be all “cracked up” waiting to be lifted from the plate and placed in a plastic container or bag. Cover and put away, preferably in a small area of the refrigerator.

If you long for Herman again he will revive. Soak this dried up version of Herman into two or three cups of water and let sit for several hours. If you want a lot, add another cup of water and then flour. Don’t have it the consistency of pie dough, but heavier than a thick soup

It is best to let Herman rest and get accustomed to all his “food and water” again. In a day, he will be ready to be as useful as before.

What is wonderful about Herman is that he does not mind at all how many times you give him this preservative treatment. He will be your friend for years and years!
The recipe book says that this would make a wonderful gift.  I think if you know someone who would utilize the recipe and know they would like to have it, then this would indeed make a nice gift.  Put it in a pretty glass container with a top, tie the instructions on it with a pretty ribbon or use a pretty self-sticking label.  Be creative!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Dixie Pork Chops

2 lbs. Pork chops
½ tsp. Salt
½ tsp sage
4 tart apples cored and sliced
¼ cup brown sugar

2 tbsp. Flour
1 cup hot water
1 tbsp. Vinegar
½ cup seedless raisins (optional)

Brown chops. Sprinkle with salt and sage. Place in baking dish with apple rings, sprinkle with sugar. Add flour to fat in a skillet and stir until brown. Add water and vinegar. Cook until thick. Add raisins and pour over chops. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Serves 6-8.

*This recipe came from my grandmother's cookbook "Carolina Coastal Cook" dated 1958.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Oyster Pie (Casserole)

This is a recipe that my grandmother used for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Grandma modified hers a little, so I have shared both the original and the modified recipe. Enjoy!

Original Version:

1qt fresh oysters
12 saltines (crumbled)
4 eggs beaten
¼ cup cream
1/8 lb butter melted
Black pepper
Mix together in a casserole and bake at 350 degrees in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Grandma's Modified Version:

2- 8 or 12 oz fresh frozen containers Oysters
1 to 2 sleeves crushed saltines
4 eggs beaten
¼ cup can milk
1 stick butter
salt and pepper to tasted
1 can cream mushroom or chicken
½ cup chopped onion

Crush saltines and layer the bottom of casserole dish with one sleeve. Save the other sleeve for the top. Rinse and drain oysters then spread evenly on top of the saltines. Mix together milk, melted butter, eggs and cream of mushroom/chicken, beating until well blended. Sprinkle on top of oysters, leaving a little to pour over the top. Evenly distribute chopped onions and add salt and pepper if desired. Top with remaining saltines. Pour over remaining milk/butter/egg/soup mixture. Add pepper to top. Bake 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Spinach Balls

If you are looking for a meatless dinner, these are good.  The eggs in this will also provide extra protein.  These can be made ahead and frozen, so if you are planning a shower or party and need a great appetizer this would be great head start.

2 pkgs. frozen chopped spinach (or broccoli)
2 cups herb stuffing
6 eggs beaten
1 sm. chopped onion
1 tbsp. pepper
1 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup melted butter

Cook and drain frozen vegetables.  Melt butter.  In a large bowl combine all ingredients.  Form into 1 inch balls.  Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees on a greased cookie sheet.  Can be made ahead and frozen.  Cut recipe in half if making it for dinner.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Lobster Bluff

This recipe gets its name because even though there is not any real lobster in the ingredients, no one will believe it.  It taste just like real lobster!

1 lb. frozen cod fillets
2 tbsps. cold water
2 tbsps. salt
2 tbsps. vinegar
Melted butter

Place fillets in saucepan.  Cover with water and salt.  Bring to a boil; lower heat and simmer for 10 minutes.  Drain.  Cover again with cold water.  Add 2 tbsps. vinegar*.  Bring to a boil.  Lower heat and simmer 10 minutes.  Drain.  Serve with melted butter.

* Red wine vinegar will give it an extra UMPH!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Apple Enchiladas

Very good simple dessert, that could also be made with peaches, .  Served warm with homemade ice cream or whipped topping and maybe some finely chopped nuts on top.  Yum!

1 (21oz.) can apple fruit filling
6 (8 inch) flour tortillas
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 c. butter
1/2 c sugar
1/2 c firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup water

Spoon fruit filling evenly down center of each tortilla; sprinkle evenly with cinnamon.  Roll up and place seam side down in a lightly greased 2-qurart baking dish.  Bring butter, sugar, light brown sugar and water to a boil in a medium saucepan.  Reduce head and simmer, stirring constantly for 3 minutes.  Pour over enchiladas.  Let stand for 30 minutes.  Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes

Monday, October 5, 2015

Southern Style Pork-N-Beans and Weenies

This is an inexpensive, quick, last minute, belly filling southern dish that was (and still is) a family favorite. In about 30 minutes your meal is done!

2 cans Pork-N-Beans
4-5 beef weenies (I substitute with Jennie O turkey franks and my husband does not know shhhh)
Onion optional

Pour both cans of pork-N-Beans in a baking dish. Place weenies on top. Bake 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. Depending on how many I am feeding, I will use more pork-N-Beans and more weenies. I also like to top mine with onion slices before I bake.


This is wonderful served with biscuits or rolls (something gooey). If I serve with biscuits, I bake them at the same time as my dish. Yummy Yum!