Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pumpkin Chili

Pumpkin season is here!! Good old chili to make once you've gutted the pumpkin and need to utilize the insides.

1 lb ground beef
2 tbsp. Salad oil
16 ounces of pumpkin (you can use the canned)
1 pkg. Chili seasoning mix
1tbs. onion flakes
2 (16 oz) can tomatoes
½ tsp. Salt
¼ tsp. Pepper
1 (16oz) can peas
1 (15 ½ or 16 oz) can kidney beans

Cook beef in salad oil until browned, stirring with a fork to break meat into small pieces. Add pumpkin, seasoning mix, onion flakes, salt and pepper. Blend well and simmer for 30 minutes. Add peas and kidney beans. Heat through. Makes 6-8 servings.

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