Friday, September 25, 2015

Fish Shortcake

This recipe is not what you think. This is not a dessert, but is actually an entree or main dish.

My grandmother worked, but she also cooked everyday. Not necessarily from the “four food groups”, but to make sure that empty bellies were filled. Some days there was just beans and cornbread. Some days there was gravy with leftover beef or chicken fragments served over homemade biscuits. Whoever sat at her table for dinner, did not go to bed hungry.
2 to 3 tablespoons chopped onion
4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons flour
2 cups milk
1/3 cup grated cheese
1 ½ cups flaked cooked fish
Salt and pepper to taste
Hot biscuits or cornbread

Cook onion slowly in butter until tender. Blend in flour. Add milk slowly, stirring constantly, and cook until the sauce is thickened. Add cheese and fish. Season with salt and pepper. Heat the mixture through, stirring occasionally. Serve on hot biscuits or cornbread (I like mine over rice).

For variety try this as a Salmon Potpie: Prepare fish mixture as above using cooked or canned salmon. Turn it into a greased baking dish, top with unbaked biscuits and bake at 425 degrees.

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