Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Homemade Sausage

This homemade recipe is from a 1986 book that I found. I usually add a little more sage to my sausage anyway. This seems to give it a more “homemade” taste. This recipe is easy to mix and can be frozen for easy future use. Enjoy


2 lbs. fresh lean pork
¼ lb. fat salt pork
½ tsp. thyme
1 tsp. sage
½ tsp. celery seed
½ tsp. marjoram
½ tsp. allspice
½ tsp. cracked black pepper
½ tsp. salt


Ask butcher to grind the lean pork and salt pork. Add spices, salt and mix thoroughly. Make into patties. These may be pre-cooked, cooled, packaged and frozen for later use. Can be rolled, wrapped well and used as desired. Fry patties in skillet for 8-19 minutes.

*If you like a hot/spicier sausage, I think you could probably add a little red pepper flakes to the batch.

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