Saturday, September 17, 2016

Creole Apple Fritters

4 medium apples
Fine sugar
Rind of one Lemon
Powdered sugar

Peel and core apples, cutting out the center. Slice medium thick; dip lightly into fine sugar in which you have grated rind of a lemon; then dip each piece into the batter (see below), being sure that each piece is well covered. Fry in deep fat; drain on paper, and dust with powdered sugar.

Creole Fruit Batter (for fritters)
½ cup sifted flour
1 tbs melted butter
cold water
1 egg
t tsp sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1 tbs lemon juice

Beat eggs until creamy; add sifted flour, salt, butter, and lemon juice. Beat in enough water to make a batter like heavy cream. Serves 6

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