Monday, November 9, 2015

Old Timey Raisin Spice Cake

This recipe does not have any eggs in it. This is like those delicious spice loaves that my grandfather would buy a the local A & ? store. This recipe calls for layers with the icing between and on top. The loaves grandaddy bought just had the icing on top. This bakes well as loaves or layers. Enjoy!

2 cups brown sugar
½ lb raisins
½ cup butter
2 tsp. Soda
2 cps buttermilk
2 tsp. Cinnamon
3 cps flour
1 tsp. (each) cloves; allspice

Cream sugar and butter. Dissolve soda in milk, add to sugar mixture. Add dry ingredients and raisins, and mix well. Bake in layers* for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.


Mix 2 cups Brown sugar and 1 cup sour cream and cook until soft ball is formed in cold water test. Cool and beat until creamy. Spread between layers and on top.

*I like mine in loaves.  This can make 2 of the regular sized loaves.  If you add the icing, you can split the loaves and spread between.  This is also great to make in mini loaves and give as gifts for Holidays or a housewarming.  This will freeze well for about 3 months, but I don't put the icing on it if I freeze.

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