Saturday, January 7, 2017

Old Fashioned Pear Preserves

(Using the hard, cooking pears)

My great-grandmother used to make this and it was delicious with her homemade biscuits, that were cooked in a wood stove. This recipe has 2 ingredients and simple directions, but to make it the old fashioned way, it is an all day process.


To every 2 lbs. Pears, peeled and sliced, add 1 lb sugar


Put the pears in sugar in a big pot or dishpan and allow to sit overnight. Early the next morning, cook slowly or on low heat on top of the stove, uncovered for almost half a day or until juice slightly thickens and both pears and syrup become transparent and amber in color. Use your own judgment by testing occasionally. The pears must not become too hard. Put up in sterilized, dry jars and seal.


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